One Word began as an Instagram experiment with this post in September 2020. The first email went out in November 2020 to 14 subscribers! Its audience has grown since then – and I am just floored and thrilled that you’re along for this adventure with me. Thank you deeply.
In honor of more than a year of One Word together, I figured we’re past due for a fun one – and Bluetooth fits that category perfectly. Its story is so good – you really can’t make this stuff up.
So fill up your drinking horn of mead! Because we’re about to learn how the name of a thousand year-old Viking king ended up on every single one of our phones. |
In the late 90s, as engineers from Intel, Ericsson, and IBM were working on the short-range radio technology that we’d one day find indispensable, these were the proposed names floating around for it:
Radiowire, Biz-RF, MC-Link, Low Power RF, PAN (Personal Area Network)
So, yeah. Less-than-scintillating stuff. And predictably, each was rejected by the legal team for being too generic.
But, at some point during their downtime- some say it was a conversation at a pub, others say a Swedish collaborator told the story at lunch – the engineering team learns about the story of Danish King Harald “Bluetooth” Gormsson (c. 958-986).
Ol’ King Harald was called Bluetooth (Blåtand in Norse) because, well, he had a dead tooth that looked blue and dark. |
As History writes it, King Harald “unites” all the tribes of Denmark – and then Norway – furthering conversion from the Norse Gods to Christianity.
Harald Bluetooth’s lore is that he was gifted at words – and had an uncanny talent for bringing people together in non-violent negotiations.
He erects a big self-praising monument – The Jelling Stone – that many call the ‘birth certificate of Denmark” and also boasts the oldest image of Christ in Scandinavia.
However he hears it, Harald’s story sticks with Intel engineer Jim Kardach – and Bluetooth becomes the internal name the engineering team uses to refer to the developing tech.
Kardach even made a PowerPoint image of Harald that read: ‘Harald united Denmark and Norway’ and ‘Harald thinks that mobile PCs and cellular phones should seamlessly communicate.’
Today, 92% of the global population recognizes the Bluetooth brand. But Bluetooth was never meant to be its official name. |
The technical terms were too commonplace even for search engines of the time. And marketing didn’t come up with anything better … so Bluetooth just stuck.
But, friends, that’s not even the best part! The logo is actually King Bluetooth’s initials.

Two runes combined in this way is called a “binding” or “bind” rune – even the logo itself brings two things together.
I suppose sometimes we name things. And sometimes they name themselves.
That’s the word, nerd.